are now ready to make a bead. Pick up a mandrel that has previously
been coated with bead release (so the glass will not stick to
them) in one hand. In the other hand a rod of glass. Slowly introduce
the glass rod into the flame. If the rod gets too hot too quick,
it will thermal shock and send pieces of hot glass everywere.
the glass is hot and starting to move, wind on a preheated mandrel.
Touch the glass lightly to the bead release while turning the
mandrel to smoothly apply the glass and start forming the bead.
When you have applied the amount of glass you want, use gravity
to round out the bead. At this point you can use twisties, latticino,
various metals, enamels, etc. to decorate the bead. When the bead
is 'finished' it is placed into the kiln